Fundamentals about the cloud and cloud computing.

Esther Olowoloba
3 min readFeb 15, 2022


The cloud is present in the sky and it consists of the basic elements of the earth. Nope. Not that cloud. I mean the digital cloud.

What is the cloud?

According to Adora’s book ‘Cloud Engineering for beginners’, The “cloud” is a set of servers that can be accessed over the Internet.

Every single thing you do on the internet operates on the cloud. The online game you play, the social media accounts you are logged on to, etc. They all run on the cloud.

The cloud is built in different ways with specific capabilities such as management of available resources on the cloud, virtualization in creating a relation with hardware and software programs, and automation of services for smooth execution of tasks.

Types of Cloud

They include:

  1. Public cloud: This can be used by everyone and allows a representative to input computing services into the cloud. An example of a company that use this is Microsoft Azure.
  2. Private cloud: Exactly the opposite of public cloud as its servers are handled by one customer. Finance companies is known to use this service.
  3. Hybrid cloud: This is a combination of public and private cloud services in a system. Amazon Web Services is a notable example that uses this.
  4. Multi-cloud: This involves the usage of two or more cloud providers on your cloud-based applications.
  5. Federal cloud: This is used in government settings where information is highly confidential and must be kept safe.

And this leads us to Cloud Computing…

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computing services on the cloud that is used to input, process, and store data needed.

There are many good reasons why cloud computing is very important:

  1. It has a good reliability system.

2. Has the ability to be scalable according to the number of work resources in the computing service.

3. Allows implementation of new and profitable ideas.

4.There is a continuous delivery of the system

5. It is remote-friendly.

Likewise, there are certain threats to cloud computing:

  1. Breach of security is eminent
  2. Dependency on network providers as a slow network system does not produce favourable results.
  3. There is usually a heavy cost on infrastructure.

Use Cases of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is essential and makes digital transformation profitable to everyone. Let’s look at the three different aspects.

Let us say you want to build a website that involves selling food online and you have different developers ready to run it for you but you just need a place where you can store and process data. Cloud computing comes in handy as an Infrastructure as a service(IAAS). Cloud computing helps you run your website on the cloud without interruptions.


You have developed this food chain website and you wish to now build a cloud-based application so that your customers can reach your application around the globe. Cloud computing comes in handy as a Platform as a service(PAAS).


Assuming you require management software services to run your food app, cloud computing is used as a Software as a service(SAAS).


In conclusion, everything digital is done on the cloud and has improved digital transformation.

I hope you find this article helpful.

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With Love,




Esther Olowoloba

A Star girl in her element in love with everything health and cloud technology, documenting her experiences as she evolves.